Vísur 1–12 av 45 vørum

  • Cleansing Powder 60G


    MARIA NILA CLEANSING POWDER 60G Et rensende og stylingpudder, der øjeblikkeligt frisker håret og hovedbunden op, mens den tilføjer let tekstur og volumen. Cleansing Powder absorberer naturlige olier, urenheder og produktrester i håret og efterlader det med et mat og forfrisket look. Pudderet har en blomsterduft af lilje og rose. Fordele – Hold 1/5 – Opfrisker og…

  • Colour Refresh Autumn Red 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Brings out red tones

    -Softening Argan Oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for medium to dark hair (level 2-7)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Black 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Gives black tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for dark hair (level 2-4)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix, or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Bright Copper 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Brings out bright copper tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for medium to dark hair (level 2-7)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Bright Red 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Brings out red tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for medium to dark hair (level 2-7)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Cacao 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Gives brown tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for medium to dark hair (level 2-7)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Cacao Intense 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour. Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Brings out dark brown tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for medium to dark hair (level 2-7)

    -For lighter hair, please dilute with White Mix or the effect may be too intense

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Cool Cream 100 ml


    Maria Nila Colour Refresh – 8.1 Cool Cream er en plejende og nærende hårkur, der er helt perfekt til dig, som ønsker at opfriske sin hårfarve eller prøve nye toner af.

    Den kan bruges alene eller blandes sammen med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh kure, og derved kan man skabe sin egen unikke farve. Ønsker man at gøre farven lysere kan man blande den med Maria Nila Colour Refresh 0.00 White Mix. Den kan både bruges i et farvet samt naturligt hår, dog opnås det mest intense resultat i et farvebehandlet hår.

    Dette er ikke en permanent hårfarve, og derved dækker den ikke grå hår. Dog indeholder den pigmenter, og derved vil den gradvis forsvinde ud af håret under hårvask. Hvis du ønsker at opfriske din hårfarve, som kom du direkte fra frisøren, samtidig med at håret bliver plejet, så er Maria Nila Colour Refresh det helt rigtige valg!

    Det anbefales ikke at komme en mørk farve i et lyst eller lysnet hår, og derudover vil en effektfarve/farvebombe heller ikke kunne lysne håret, og man vil derfor ikke opnå nogen effekt ved at vælge en farve, der er lysere end ens egen hårfarve. Det er individuelt hvordan farven falmer fra person til person, og normalvis vil farven forsvinde efter 4-10 hårvaske, dog kan dette variere alt efter hårets kvalitet, trækketid, farve, tidligere behandlinger osv.


    Plejende effektfarve
    Kan både bruges i naturligt og farvet hår
    Kan blandes med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh farver
    Opfrisker ens hårfarve
    Dækker ikke grå hår
    Holder 4-10 hårvaske
    Beriget med arganolie
    OBS. Engangshandsker kan tilkøbes ved siden af

    Afprøv altid farven på enkelt tot inden den bruges i hele håret
    Brug altid handsker
    Påfør produktet i fugtigt hår
    Red håret igennem med en kam for at fordele farven
    Lad virke i 3-10 minutter alt efter ønsket intensitet
    Skyl håret grundigt med vand og afslut med conditioner

  • Colour Refresh Dusty Pink 100 ml


    Maria Nila Colour Refresh – 0.52 Dusty Pink er en plejende og nærende hårkur, der kan bruges til at lave smukke farver ved at blande den med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh kure. Maria Nila Colour Refresh – Dusty Pink kan bruges alene for at give en smuk glans, eller den kan blandes med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh kure for at fortynde nuancen. Dusty Pink er perfekt til blond og lysebrunt hår. Vær opmærksom på, at en farvebombe ikke kan lysne håret. Alle produkterne indeholder farvepigmenter, der gradvist vaskes ud af håret. Brug disse hårkure til at opfriske din hårfarve, lave effekter i dit lyse hår eller som en plejende toning til dit naturhår. Dit hår efterlades smukt, glansfuldt og yderst velplejet.

    Maria Nila Colour Refresh hårkurene er velegnet i naturligt og kemisk behandlet hår. Det mest intense resultat opnås dog i et kemisk behandlet hår. Virkningen holder i 4-10 hårvaske alt efter, hvilket grundlag og hårkvalitet, produktet påføres i.

    OBS Alle Maria Nila Colour Refresh produkterne indeholder en pakke med 4 stk engangshandsker, der skåner hænderne for farvepigmenterne.


    • Glansgivende hårkur
    • Kan blandes med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh hårkure
    • Indeholder arganolie
    • Vegan-venlig
    • Uden parabener og sulfater
    • Plejende
    • Holder 4-10 hårvaske

    Anvendelse som kurbehandling:

    • Påfør produktet i vådt hår
    • Lad den virke i 3 minutter
    • Skyl grundigt ud


    • Det anbefales altid at afprøve produktet i en enkelt hårtot først, for at sikre et optimalt farveresultat
    • Anvendes på nyvasket, håndklædetørt hår
    • Husk at bruge handsker
    • Påføres jævnt i håret, undgå hud og hovedbund
    • Lad virke i 3-10 minutter
    • Skyl håret grundigt med varmt vand
    • Afslut med conditioner

    Find mere fra dette mærke:

  • Colour Refresh Lavender 100 ml


    Maria Nila Colour Refresh – 9.22 Lavender er en plejende og nærende hårkur, der er helt perfekt til dig, som ønsker at opfriske sin hårfarve eller prøve nye toner af.

    Den kan bruges alene eller blandes sammen med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh kure, og derved kan man skabe sin egen unikke farve. Ønsker man at gøre farven lysere kan man blande den med Maria Nila Colour Refresh 0.00 White Mix. Den kan både bruges i et farvet samt naturligt hår, dog opnås det mest intense resultat i et farvebehandlet hår.

    Dette er ikke en permanent hårfarve, og derved dækker den ikke grå hår. Dog indeholder den pigmenter, og derved vil den gradvis forsvinde ud af håret under hårvask. Hvis du ønsker at opfriske din hårfarve, som kom du direkte fra frisøren, samtidig med at håret bliver plejet, så er Maria Nila Colour Refresh det helt rigtige valg!

    Det anbefales ikke at komme en mørk farve i et lyst eller lysnet hår, og derudover vil en effektfarve/farvebombe heller ikke kunne lysne håret, og man vil derfor ikke opnå nogen effekt ved at vælge en farve, der er lysere end ens egen hårfarve. Det er individuelt hvordan farven falmer fra person til person, og normalvis vil farven forsvinde efter 4-10 hårvaske, dog kan dette variere alt efter hårets kvalitet, trækketid, farve, tidligere behandlinger osv.


    Plejende effektfarve
    Kan både bruges i naturligt og farvet hår
    Kan blandes med andre Maria Nila Colour Refresh farver
    Opfrisker ens hårfarve
    Dækker ikke grå hår
    Holder 4-10 hårvaske
    Beriget med arganolie
    OBS. Engangshandsker kan tilkøbes ved siden af

    Afprøv altid farven på enkelt tot inden den bruges i hele håret
    Brug altid handsker
    Påfør produktet i fugtigt hår
    Red håret igennem med en kam for at fordele farven
    Lad virke i 3-10 minutter alt efter ønsket intensitet
    Skyl håret grundigt med vand og afslut med conditioner
    Find mere fra dette mærke:

  • Colour Refresh Peach 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Gives orange peach tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for blonde hair (level 7-10)

    -Effect may not be visible on darker hair

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.

  • Colour Refresh Pearl Silver 100 ml


    A nourishing colour bomb masque with non-permanent colour pigments that will quickly freshen up your hair. The masque moisturises and reduces frizz for a silky smooth and shiny result. A pair of gloves comes with every Colour Refresh. All colours can be blended with White Mix to create pastel colours. Or simply mix two different colours to create your own unique colour.
    Colour Refresh is perfect to use between your colour sessions at the salon or for special events.


    -Brings out cooler silver tones

    -Softening Argan oil

    -Colour Guard Complex

    -Sulphate & Paraben free

    -100% Vegan & Animal friendly

    -CO2 compensated packaging

    Properties and expected results

    -Suitable for blonde hair (level 7-10)

    -Effect may not be visible on darker hair

    -Do not use before any kind of bleach treatment as this may cause discoloration

    -Does not cover grey hair

    How to use: Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and towel-dry to prepare your hair for the treatment. Use the gloves and apply the Colour Refresh evenly throughout your hair or on sections where you want the colour, using fingers or a comb. Leave in for 3–10 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Rinse with water to get rid of any excess colour and finish off with conditioner. The colour stays in for about 4–10 washes depending on the quality and colour of your hair.

    Remember to always inform your hairdresser when you have used Colour Refresh as you should not bleach right after a treatment.